A platform to invest in meeting community needs now and in the future.
Congratulations to our 2024 Grant Recipients
Twelve area non-profit organizations will receive $35,000 in grant funds from the Greater Menomonee Falls Foundation. With 2024 funds, the Greater Menomonee Falls Foundation has awarded $300,000 in grants in the last twelve years.
Grants Supporting Youth
Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps (ARCh): Improve storage capacity for programs at Menomonee Park
Bi-County Special Olympics: Support cornhole tournament and uniforms for local athletes
Children's Community Center: Invest in inclusive playground equipment to help children of all abilities build relationships.​
GPS Education Partners: Help students in the youth apprenticeship program at Bradley Corporation Education Center
Menomonee Falls Little League: Equip the complex with automated external defibrillators (AED)
Grants Supporting the Community
Falls Area Community Services Food Pantry: Fund purchases of fresh food to supplement shelf stable items
Falls Patio Players: Support ongoing maintenance of lighting and refurbish or replace stage lighting
Friends of Old Falls Village, Inc: Improve accessibility at Old Falls Village with an asphalt path
St. Mary's - St. Vincent De Paul: Assist struggling local families with basic necessities
Sussex Area Outreach: Replace the cooler for the food pantry
Village Park Development: $10,000 as part of the 5-year donation of $50,000 for park renovations
Wildlife in Need: Support wildlife rehabilitation and education